Jul 31, 2024 | Professional Tree Services, Tree Removal
One of the questions homeowners often have after a tree or branch falls on their property is, “Does insurance pay for tree removal or damage?” The answer is “it depends.” Ultimately, your homeowner’s insurance company is the best resource for determining if...
Jan 25, 2024 | Professional Tree Services
Whether you want to put your property on the market or have recently bought a parcel of land and plan to build a new home, you want to make decisions that boost rather than reduce your property value. Tree planting, for example, can boost your property’s aesthetic...
Dec 10, 2023 | Professional Tree Services
Your yard’s surface might seem well maintained. However, the roots growing under the surface might be disrupting your property without your knowledge. Your plumbing or even your home’s foundation can be at risk of damage. In this article, we’ll share how to get rid of...
Aug 25, 2023 | Professional Tree Services
Will cutting roots kill a tree? As seasoned tree removal experts in Virginia Beach, we’ll discuss scenarios where you may have to cut tree roots and whether cutting them will cause problems. The Importance of Roots Before you answer the question, “Will cutting roots...
Jun 25, 2023 | Professional Tree Services
Trees play a crucial role in the ecosystem. They provide shade, improve air quality, beautify the environment, and provide habitats for various birds and wild animals. We see trees everywhere but rarely think about tree laws. In recognizing the value of trees,...